First Jesus, Then coffee

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Why Apologetics?

I’m pursuing my Master’s in Christian Apologetics, and I’ll be honest, I had to google “what is apologetics?”

I was asked what my major would be, and when I said “Apologetics” it was met with the follow-up question: what is that?

Basically, it’s the defense of Christianity. It uses logic and reason and defend the Christian belief. It employs arguments founded in history and science (like archeology, biology, etc). It attempts to use rationale arguments with actual evidence to argue for and defend the Christian Faith.

Some of you may be thinking, “you can’t argue someone into the kingdom of heaven.” Stick with me for a second though…

Too many people think of religion as mythology, superstition, outdated nonsense. This is why this degree appeals to me.

I believe in the Judeo-Christian God. I also believe I’m a rationale human with the ability to reason and determine the truth.

In the words of Douglas Groothuis, “apologetics can be used to remove or diminish intellectual obstacles that hinder people from embracing Chris as Lord.”

No one wants to embrace a belief system that requires them to reject the reality they see with their own eyes each and everyday. Everyone wants to believe they are rational. Today, we hear loud voices crying out about how irrational it is to believe in God. While some of us recognize this as Spiritual Warfare from the enemy, not everyone does because not everyone is convinced that the devil even exists. How can an entity that doesn’t exist engage in spiritual warfare?

This plays right into the enemy’s game plan to keep people from calling on God.

We need apologetics. We have always needed apologetics. We need people who are willing to engage in conversations to convince others of the truth of the Bible.

Admittedly, this is not everyone’s call. We are gifted differently, and we are called differently. However, I believe everyone benefits from a baseline understand of apologetics and how they can be apologists - even if only for their own faith’s sake.

So, if you’ll follow along over the next couple of years (I’m slow rolling this degree) I will share what I learn, I’ll share my thoughts about my classes and about things I read that are not for class. I’ll do my best to guide you to other resources as well that may serve you in your faith journey.

Our God is infinitely wise, and He has provided a number of ways for His truth to be revealed to His people. For some, that can be as simple and as obvious as watching the sunrise and the plants grow. That’s not the case for everyone. Apologetic arguments remove barriers to belief by providing answers to real questions, by offering accurate explanations for how or why something is or was.

Not everyone needs a degree to engage in apologetics, but a little knowledge about how to engage in apologetics may prove fruitful in eliminating frustration and finding success.

I hope you’ll consider following along, if for no other reason than to encourage your own spiritual development.

As always, I am but a work in progress.

